
The plugin provides the auth flows that keycloak uses for x509 (CAC) authentication as well as some of the surrounding registration flows.

One nuanced auth flow is the creation of a Mattermost ID attribute for users. CustomEventListener is responsible for generating the unique ID.


Working on the plugin requires JDK17+ and Maven 3.5+.

# local java version
java -version

# loval maven version
mvn -version

Plugin Testing with Keycloak

After making changes to the plugin code and verifying that unit tests are passing ( and hopefully writing some more ), test against Keycloak.

See the New uds-identity-config Image section in the for building, publishing, and using the new image with uds-core.

Plugin Unit Testing / Code Coverage

The maven surefire and jacoco plugins are configured in the pom.xml.

Some important commands that can be used when developing/testing on the plugin:

mvn clean installCleans up build artifacts and then builds and installs project into local maven repository.
mvn clean testCleans up build artifacts and then compiles the source code and runs all tests in the project.
mvn clean test -Dtest=com.defenseunicorns.uds.keycloak.plugin.X509ToolsTestSame as mvn clean test but instead of running all tests in project, only runs the tests in designated file.
mvn surefire-report:reportThis command will run the mvn clean test and then generate the surefire-report.html file in target/site
mvn clean verifyClean project, run tests, and generate both surefire and jacoco reports

Viewing the Test Reports

# maven command from src/plugin directory
mvn clean verify

Open the src/plugin/target/site/surefire-report.html file in your browser to view the surefire test report.

Open the src/plugin/target/site/jacoco/index.html file in your browser to view the unit test coverage report generated by jacoco.

Both reports will hot reload each time they are regenerated, no need to open each time.