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Device Flow Clients

Some applications may not have a web UI / server component to login to and may instead grant OAuth tokens to devices. This flow is known as the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant and is supported in a UDS Package with the following configuration:

kind: Package
name: fulcio
namespace: fulcio-system
- name: Sigstore Login
clientId: sigstore
standardFlowEnabled: false
publicClient: true
oauth2.device.authorization.grant.enabled: "true"

This configuration does not create a secret in the cluster and instead tells the UDS Operator to create a public client (one that requires no auth secret) that enables the oauth2.device.authorization.grant.enabled flow and disables the standard redirect auth flow. Because this creates a public client configuration that deviates from this is limited - if your application requires both the Device Authorization Grant and the standard flow this is currently not supported without creating two separate clients.