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Exemption and Package Updates

Exemptions and Package Updates in the Cluster

This guide provides steps to debug issues with Exemptions and Packages not being applied or updated in your Kubernetes cluster. Common symptoms include:

  • Changes to Exemptions or Packages are not reflected in the cluster.
  • Expected behavior in workloads remains unaffected.
  • Logs indicate potential Kubernetes Watch failures.

Follow this guide to identify and resolve these issues.

Initial Checklist

Before diving into detailed debugging, ensure the following:

  • Verify Configuration:

  • Namespace for Exemptions:

    • Ensure Exemptions are applied in the uds-policy-exemptions namespace, unless you are using an override.
  • Cluster and Deployment Status:

    • Confirm the cluster and relevant controller deployments are running without errors:
      Terminal window
      kubectl get pods -n pepr-system

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Watch

Kubernetes Watch is a mechanism used to monitor resource changes in real-time. Failures in Watch can cause Exemptions and Package updates to not propagate.

Steps to Check Watch Logs

  1. Identify the Controller Pod:

    • Check the logs of the controller managing Exemptions using the following command:

      Terminal window
      kubectl logs -n pepr-system deploy/pepr-uds-core | grep "Processing exemption"
    • If the logs do not show entries similar to the following, it may indicate that the Watch missed the event:

      {"...":"...", "msg":"Processing exemption nvidia-gpu-operator, watch phase: MODIFIED"}
  2. Verify Package Processing:

    • Use the following command to check logs for Package processing:

      Terminal window
      kubectl logs -n pepr-system deploy/pepr-uds-core-watcher -f | egrep "Processing Package"
    • If the logs do not show entries similar to the following, it may indicate an issue with the Watch:

      {"...":"...","msg":"Processing Package authservice-test-app/mouse, status.phase: Pending, observedGeneration: undefined, retryAttempt: undefined"}
      {"...":"...","msg":"Processing Package authservice-test-app/mouse, status.phase: Ready, observedGeneration: 1, retryAttempt: 0"}

Reporting Watch Issues

If you are experiencing issues with the watch functionality, please provide the necessary logs and metrics to help us investigate. Follow these steps:

  • Open an Issue
    Visit the Pepr GitHub Issues page and create a new issue using the Watch Failure template and attach the logs and metrics.
  • Collect Metrics from the Watcher
    Use the following command to retrieve metrics from the watcher service, store them in metrics.txt:
    Terminal window
    # in an airgap environment
    kubectl exec -it -n pepr-system deploy/pepr-uds-core-watcher -- /bin/sh -c 'node -e "process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = \"0\"; fetch(\"https://pepr-uds-core-watcher/metrics\").then(res => res.text()).then(body => console.log(body)).catch(err => console.error(err))"'
    # in a connected environment
    kubectl run curler --image=nginx:alpine --rm -it --restart=Never -n pepr-system -- curl -k https://pepr-uds-core-watcher/metrics
  • Provide Watch Logs
    Include the logs from the controller and watch pod in the issue, store them in watcher.log.
    Terminal window
    kubectl logs -n pepr-system deploy/pepr-uds-core-watcher
  • Provide Controller Logs
    Include the logs from the controller pods in the issue, store them in admission.log.
    Terminal window
    kubectl logs -n pepr-system deploy/pepr-uds-core